The Candlemas 2025
Editorial Board

David Buchan
David is a fourth-year English student from Aberdeenshire (the beloved Peterhead to be exact) and enters his final and most important year with The Saint. When he isn’t texting Riley every waking hour, he enjoys a good old gossip, blasting Kylie Minogue, referencing niche British reality TV, and sinking his teeth into a jam and cream scone at Northpoint. You’ll easily find him nattering to some poor soul on the ground floor of the library rather than doing his work.

Riley Raab
Riley is a third-year English and Management student from Austin, Texas. When not searching for obscure snacks in Tesco or making sure everything is aligned on InDesign, she loves debating the appropriate uses of sans-serif fonts and (unsuccessfully) fighting Texas stereotypes. She also loves a large spritz in the sun, strawberries, and a really great book — and preferably all the above at once.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Ilaria Freccia
Ilaria is a third-year from California, studying International Relations and Management. Outside of The Saint’s working hours, you’ll find her updating her Goodreads, drinking tea, and cooking a variety of meals — which she will proceed to photograph before eating.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Hannah Shiblaq
Hannah is a third-year studying English and Comparative Literature from just outside Washington, D.C. When she isn’t corralling innocent bystanders in pursuit of an interesting lede, she can be found hosting seances to worship the moon, readily reciting monologues from pop culture, and scribbling stream of consciousness into her journal. Like any writer, she loves to read, try to complete the New York Times mini crossword in under thirty seconds, and (occasionally) write.

News Editor
Mary Henderson
Mary is a third-year Modern History and International Relations student from London, though now living in Edinburgh. When she isn’t hunting down the next big scoop, you’ll probably find her going on long chatty walks along the beach, painting using comically small paintbrushes, and insisting on the superiority of coffee made with a moka pot (which she drinks in tremendous quantities).

Science & Technology Editor
Ana-Lucia Chalmers
Ana-Lucia is a third-year International Relations and Sustainable Development student from Washington DC. If you can't find her at every live-music event St Andrews has to offer, you can probably spot her in St Mary's with nothing but 3 lattes, her iPad mini, and comically large non-prescription glasses, googling phrases to make Sci-Tech article titles sound as ludicrous and amusing as possible.

Viewpoint Editor
Georges Toulouse
Georges is a third-year Franco-American International Relations and Modern History student. When he isn’t defending his homeland of France, political moderation, or Birkin and Gainsbourg’s supremacy, he can be found drinking a Chouffe at Aikman’s or on a virtual bike at home, climbing some obscure Taiwanese hill. He believes that the truth is only what you frame it as, and that opinions are the only absolute: long live Viewpoint!

Features Editor
Simon Ezra-Jackson
Simon is a second-year History and Philosophy student from Edinburgh. For his first Features article he took the bus to Elie with the St Andrews Occult Society and had an occulist explain to him how she could raise the dead. His later articles have been less weird, but not by much. His hobbies include bouldering, learning unemployable languages, and sending follow-up emails.

Events Editor
Olga Alonso Blanco
Olga is a third-year International Relations and Modern History student from Madrid, Spain. Aside from The Saint, she is enthusiastic about relishing our town’s small treasures. She enjoys indulging in student journalism, spiced chai lattes, and foggy West Sands strolls — in no particular order.

The Relic Editor
Arnaz Mallick
Arnaz is a second-year English student who is from India and lives in Warsaw, Poland. She has been writing for The Saint since the first semester of her first year — if she’s not making reading books her sole and only personality trait, her hobbies also include raving about Virginia Woolf, going for long walks, and (occasionally) flower arrangement!

Puzzles Editor
Alex Le Sage
Alex is a second-year Maths and Biology student from Washington, DC. After making puzzles for the newspaper last year, he is ready to serve his first year as Puzzles Editor. Outside of his Bio labs and Water Polo matches, he likes to go on walks along the Fife Coastal Path with friends. At night, you can find him playing in the Union pub quiz, vibing at jazz night, or watching a movie. He's excited for the opening of 601 to experience some decent nightlife in town and hopes to pursue a career as a research biologist in the future.

Sport Editor
Mahaley Wise
Mahaley is a third-year Classical Studies student from Hanover, Virginia. You can probably find her ranting about her World Series predictions, the new Kendrick diss tracks, and the best road trip algorithm. Her catchphrase is “has anyone seen my phone?” after losing her device for the third time in an hour. Her hobbies include trying new coffee shops, listening to the Brittany Broski podcast, and a pre-game beverage of choice. After making the most sardonic statement, she will probably be caught saying she is “just a girl in the world.” She hopes to be a little league mom in the future while still being a professional sports journalist.

Photo Editor
Alden Arnold
Alden is a second-year English and International Relations student from Seattle, Washington, and this is his second year working for The Saint Photo section. He seems to wear a different sweater each day of the year, producing speculation among those who know him as to whether they are all actually his. Who knows, but his foolish solo camp in the Highlands during Storm Babet or walk on the Camino on an inflamed LCL (all for the sake of a few photos) sets the tone for his tenure as Photo Editor.

Head of Illustration
Isabelle Holloway
Isabelle is a Slovak-American third-year English student. She enjoys diagnosing herself (and possibly others) with the entire DSM-5, reading melancholy literature, and building her ancestry tree. When she’s not hyperventilating in tutorials, she may be found staring into swan ponds, exploring topiary gardens, or ruminating on something insignificant from ten years ago. Like Enya, she aspires to live in a castle by the sea with lots of cats.

Senior Copy Editor
Armaan Madanmohan
Armaan is a third-year Computer Science student from Delhi, India, having joined The Saint in his second year. Outside of his copyediting duties, he enjoys painting and drawing, playing tennis, and browsing the website AlbumOfTheYear in search of his next musical obsession.

Head of Website & Social Media
Maria Ebrahim
Maria is an International Relations and Spanish student currently on her year abroad in Cádiz, Spain. She is enjoying balancing Andalusian life with her duties at The Saint, and has been devoting her time to her daily duolingo, getting hooked on sangría, and bargain hunting at vintage shops — sometimes all at the same time.

Business Manager
Pietro Barbini
Pietro is a third-year studying Art History and Management from Italy. When he finds time he loves to paint or read a book at Spoiled. He is otherwise always busy with multiple societies or researching his next essay in the library.