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Racing for a Cause: St Andrews Students Hitchhike to Budapest for Charity

While many students spent their spring break unwinding at home or travelling for leisure, a daring group of St Andrews students embarked on an entirely different kind of adventure: hitchhiking across Europe to reach Budapest, relying solely on the generosity of strangers.

Race2, an annual charity hitchhiking event organized by the University’s Charities Campaign, challenges students to travel to a designated European city without spending money on transport. Participants must depend on spontaneous acts of kindness to cover the thousands of kilometres to their destination, resulting in unforgettable experiences and stories.

First launched in the early 1990s, Race2 has become a beloved tradition at St Andrews. Teams of two to three students race to the chosen destination, selected based on affordability and accommodation availability. Beyond the thrill of the race, the heart of the event lies in its mission to raise money for charity. Each participant must raise a minimum of £200 before departure, with all proceeds supporting three student-selected charities. This year, funds were distributed amongst Alzheimer’s Research UK, Solidaritee, and Richmond’s Hope.

To aid their journey, participants receive essential hitchhiking gear, including travel aids like language cards and foam thumbs. A participation fee covers hostel accommodation at the final destination, ensuring racers have a safe place to rest after their trek.

Racers employ innovative strategies to meet their fundraising goals, from bake sales to sponsored challenges. This year, one participant shaved their head, while another team set up a pop-up coffee shop to support their cause. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Race2 consistently raised over £70,000 annually. This year, participants raised an impressive £59,104 — a sign of recovery toward pre-pandemic levels.

While hitchhiking may seem risky, Race2 prioritises safety through meticulous planning. Participants must check in every four hours (or every eight hours while resting) via an online system, allowing friends, family, and a dedicated safety team to track their journey. A 24/7 support team monitors these updates, ready to respond to emergencies. Automated alerts are triggered if participants use keywords such as ‘SOS’ or ‘HELP’, ensuring swift assistance. Thanks to these measures, no major incidents have been reported since the event’s inception.

For many first-time participants, the idea of hitchhiking across Europe is daunting. Parie from the Szia On The Other Side team admitted, “Before the hitchhike, I was so nervous. So many people warned me about the dangers, and I had imagined all the worst-case scenarios.” However, reflecting on the experience, she shared, “It was just all so positive.”

Patience and perseverance are key. Many racers highlight the difficulty of staying motivated in the face of repeated rejections. “Trying to remain calm, confident, and positive despite numerous refusals was the hardest part,” said Illy from the Budabaddies team. Parie described moments of doubt: “At times, I felt like there wasn’t any light at the end of the tunnel.” But the excitement of finally securing a ride and the support of teammates made the journey worthwhile.

Ronnie and Alex, who have participated three times as ‘Bananas on Tour’, even got matching Race2 tattoos this year to commemorate their adventures. They reflected, “Every time we got a ‘yes,’ spirits were boosted massively. Putting our trust in strangers and being rewarded with amazing stories was the best part.” Their enthusiasm for the event remains unwavering: “It is the best part of our year!”

Skye, from the Budapest Best team, described her initial apprehension but was ultimately thrilled by the experience. “I was nervous at the start, but now having done it, I would definitely do it again. It was an amazing adventure, and we met so many generous, kind people.”

However, not all encounters on the road were without difficulty. Some participants reported moments of discomfort. While most people they met were welcoming, a few students of colour noted that securing rides sometimes took longer or that they encountered wary glances. One racer explained, “I definitely felt that some drivers were more hesitant with me compared to my white or white-passing teammates. It wasn’t overt discrimination, but it was something we noticed.” Despite these moments, they emphasised that kindness ultimately prevailed. “The people who did stop for us reminded us that there is so much goodwill in the world.”

Beyond the competition, Race2 fosters deep friendships, resilience, and an appreciation for human kindness. Many teams document their adventures on social media, sharing real-time updates and engaging with supporters back home.

Parie, reflecting on the experience, described it as “surreal” — like something out of a dream. She returned with not only incredible stories, but also a renewed faith in humanity. “It showed me that there is goodness in the world. Not everyone is out to hurt you. There are kind people who genuinely want to help.”

For those considering taking on the Race2 challenge, be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions. It will test your patience, endurance, and optimism. But one thing is certain — participants all agree that they have gained memories that will last a lifetime and a belief that even the smallest acts of kindness can make all the difference in the world.

Image by Monty McNeil



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