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Meet Your 2024 Sabbs

The University of St Andrews Students’ Association, referred to as the Union, was created to provide support and representation to students. Six elected Sabbatical Officers work full-time to address students’ priorities, respond to their concerns, and enhance their university experience. They are elected by the student body each year in the Candlemas semester, and are former or current students of the University taking a year out of their studies to work solely for the Union. 

Association President  Cam S. Brown

“As Association President, I want to address the issues that affect all students: expanding the Campus Larder; supporting students in part-time work; ensuring that the University is held accountable for its investments; ensuring that affordable halls are built; and getting the Change Programme done.”

Cam is a student advocate, championing the issues that matter most to students. He represents students at multiple levels, engaging with the University, alongside both local and national bodies. He said: “I work alongside our officers on various issues, including sustainability, affordability (such as accommodation and widening access), alumni engagement, and shaping the future of our Union.”

Outside of being Association President, Cam is a “diehard Swiftie from sunny Aberdeen, raised in East Yorkshire”. He came to St Andrews in 2022 as a postgraduate student to read Legal and Constitutional Studies, after graduating in Law from the University of Chester. In 2023, he was elected Director of Education. In turn, he worked to deliver some of the most significant changes to  university educational policy, such as negotiating a university-wide extensions policy, reworking the academic calendar, securing a 24-hour study space, and launching the Union  Change Programme. 

He added: “I’m committed to continuing with dedication in providing results on matters affecting all students. This includes expanding our Campus Larder, supporting students in part-time work, ensuring accountability in university investments, advocating for the University to build affordable halls, and completing our Change Programme. You’ve entrusted me to lead our Association, and I will work tirelessly to represent you, ensure YOUR voice is heard, and make your St Andrews experience beyond your wildest dreams! If you see me around town, please don’t be afraid to say hi!”

Director of Wellbeing and Equality  Caitlin Ridgway


“As my [sic] second year as your Director of Wellbeing and Equality, I will be representing the student voice on issues of equality, diversity, inclusivity, [and] health & wellbeing! I also want to continue developing projects from last year, such as Saints Solidarity to tackle hate incidents, and StAnd Together. Increasing sexual health resource signposting, and making the next cycle of the Student Mental Health Agreement an effective strategy that centres student voice is a priority for me”. 

Caitlin served as SRC Gender Equality Officer for 2021/22 and was involved in the Feminist Society and Amnesty International Society committees. She added: “This informed my core project of creating a student activism guide, which will provide a central resource to inform the student body on how to campaign effectively for the change they want to see. I also work closely with Student Services and attend university meetings such as the Central EDI Committee, Community Safety Group, Student Services Open Forum, and the working groups for the Emily Test, Athena SWAN, and Race Equality charters. Besides the Equality Committee, I work with Union staff on wellbeing and safety initiatives, and oversee the StAnd Together coordinators (Got Consent, Got Limits, Got Support, Got Solidarity) and Nightline public faces. I also lead on wellbeing initiatives for Raisin and May Dip, so you may well see me on Raisin Sunday to pick up a free bread roll and water from our stall!”

Athletic Union President  Olivia King 

“As Athletic Union President, my role is to represent students with all matters related to sports, finance, and volunteering. I overall help progress student sport at St Andrews by supporting club committees. I work to ensure every student who wants to take part in our sport community can… and mostly has fun whilst doing it! For instance, I have an active role within the Saints Sport Senior Leadership team, working closely with permanent staff and making high-level decisions. I also touch upon issues of wellbeing and inclusion by ensuring Saints Sport is accessible for all, as much as possible. I hope to make every student’s experience with Saints Sport as beneficial and enjoyable as it can be!” 

Director of Education  Hitanshi Badani

“As Director of Education, I oversee academic representational structures to ensure that the University’s educational policies are absorbing student feedback at all levels. Projects I work on range from reviewing and improving the current extensions policy to supporting students that work part-time.”

Hitanshi also added: “I advocate for greater accessibility within our academic resources and the improvement of our MySaint portal, as well as serving on University Court to represent the union and its members at various national-level conferences. Though these structures appear hierarchical, they are not at all rigid. Any student of this university can ask me questions or raise queries about academic matters by getting in touch with me. I look forward to embarking on this journey of the academic year 24-25 with you all, and I hope that you will consider engaging with our representative structures to bring about some meaningful change!”

Director of Events and Services  Milo Hill

“As your Director of Events and Services, I design, organise, and put on the entertainment schedule for the Association and help out societies with organising events and balls put on in the Union. I work closely with several different groups and subcommittees, ranging from the Ents Crew, to the performing arts. From Freshers’ Week in your first year to Graduation Ball in your last, I'm your guy! This year we will have our club venue open once again! I’m really looking forward to diversifying the number and types of events we put on in our spaces. Some of my key goals for the year are: improving communication and advertising of all regular events put on in the Union building, including society events as well as regular Union nights; encourage society use of Union spaces for events and themed nights; and emphasising the fact that a good night out doesn’t need to be centred around drinking.  Most of all, I’m excited to see everyone having a great night out in 601 once again!”

Director of Student Development and Activities  Catriona Martin

“As your Director of Student Development and Activities, I oversee most of the amazing work our students do outside of their studies — like volunteering, the charities campaign, and all our non-athletic societies (bar a few). I also work alongside CEED and the Careers Centre to help our students get access to career development opportunities and feel confident in the job market once they graduate. Luckily, I sit on some subcommittees with brilliant student volunteers who work on these goals with me! I’m making societies more accessible to our students and streamlining affiliation for societies, which is something I’m working with the Societies Committee on already. One thing I didn’t expect, however, is how much needed to be done when it came to employability. The Employability Officer Thomas Carey, working alongside Hitanshi the DoEd, and I, has already shown incredible initiative. We’ve identified several avenues to provide more support for students  — in particular the twenty per cent or so of our student body who work part-time while studying.” 

Catriona added: “I’m from Aberdeen, and I’ve been working since I turned 16. I know what it’s like to be exhausted, frustrated with the cost of living and the pressure to keep up here. I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong, like you’re not good enough, smart enough, like you don’t have enough money to be here. Let me be clear. All of our students have earned their place here and we need to do more to support them. In a time when the cost of living and rents are rising, we cannot sit by the sidelines and watch our students struggle. We must move forward, thinking of our entire community and leave no-one behind. That is what I believe and what I’ll be working on this year, along with the rest of the incredible Sabbatical team, who I could not be prouder of.”

Inness (DoCute):

“Hey, I'm Inness, your interim Director of Cuteness (DoCute)! Although my role is entirely voluntary, I'll chase my tail to the ends of the earth to ensure every student's voice is heard, especially those advocating for more head scratches! I aim to continue Isla's 'Paws for Thought,' doing my best to support the Sabbs and our wider community by listening to students (while chewing my favourite toy). And, even though I know fossil fuel companies are major polluters, I will propose new sustainable chew toys to reduce my own carbon pawprint.”


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